Source code for oqpy.quantum_types

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"""Classes representing variables containing quantum types (i.e. Qubits)."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Optional, Sequence, Union

from openpulse import ast
from openpulse.printer import dumps

from oqpy.base import AstConvertible, Var, make_annotations, to_ast
from oqpy.classical_types import AngleVar, _ClassicalVar

    from oqpy.program import Program

__all__ = ["Qubit", "defcal", "gate", "PhysicalQubits", "Cal"]

[docs] class Qubit(Var): """OQpy variable representing a single qubit.""" def __init__( self, name: str, size: Optional[int] = None, needs_declaration: bool = True, annotations: Sequence[str | tuple[str, str]] = (), ): super().__init__(name, needs_declaration=needs_declaration) = name self.size = size self.annotations = annotations def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Qubit) and == def __lt__(self, other: Qubit) -> bool: return <
[docs] def to_ast(self, prog: Program) -> ast.Expression: """Converts the OQpy variable into an ast node.""" prog._add_var(self) return ast.Identifier(
[docs] def make_declaration_statement(self, program: Program) -> ast.Statement: """Make an ast statement that declares the OQpy variable.""" if self.size == 0: raise ValueError("The size of the qubit register cannot be zero.") decl = ast.QubitDeclaration( ast.Identifier(, size=ast.IntegerLiteral(self.size) if self.size else None, ) decl.annotations = make_annotations(self.annotations) return decl
def __getitem__(self, index: AstConvertible) -> IndexedQubitArray: if self.size is None: raise TypeError(f"'{}' is not subscriptable") return IndexedQubitArray(collection=self, index=index)
[docs] class PhysicalQubits: """Provides a means of accessing qubit variables corresponding to physical qubits. For example, the openqasm qubit "$3" is accessed by ``PhysicalQubits[3]``. """ def __class_getitem__(cls, item: int) -> Qubit: assert isinstance(item, int) return Qubit(f"${item}", needs_declaration=False)
class IndexedQubitArray: """Represents an indexed qubit array.""" def __init__(self, collection: Qubit, index: AstConvertible): self.collection = collection self.index = index def to_ast(self, program: Program) -> ast.IndexedIdentifier: """Converts this indexed qubit array into an ast node.""" return ast.IndexedIdentifier( name=to_ast(program, self.collection), indices=[[to_ast(program, self.index)]] )
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def gate( program: Program, qubits: Union[Qubit, list[Qubit]], name: str, arguments: Optional[list[AstConvertible]] = None, declare_here: bool = False, ) -> Union[Iterator[None], Iterator[list[AngleVar]], Iterator[AngleVar]]: """Context manager for creating a gate. .. code-block:: python with gate(program, q1, "HRzH", [AngleVar(name="theta")]) as theta: program.gate(q1, "H") program.gate(q1, "Rz", theta) program.gate(q1, "H") """ if isinstance(qubits, Qubit): qubits = [qubits] arguments_ast = [] variables = [] if arguments is not None: for arg in arguments: if not isinstance(arg, AngleVar): raise ValueError(arg, "Gates only support args of type AngleVar.") arguments_ast.append(ast.Identifier( arg._needs_declaration = False variables.append(arg) program._push() if len(variables) > 1: yield variables elif len(variables) == 1: yield variables[0] else: yield None state = program._pop() stmt = ast.QuantumGateDefinition( name=ast.Identifier(name), arguments=arguments_ast, qubits=[ast.Identifier( for q in qubits], body=state.body, ) if declare_here: program._add_statement(stmt) program._add_gate(name, stmt, needs_declaration=not declare_here)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def defcal( program: Program, qubits: Union[Qubit, list[Qubit]], name: str, arguments: Optional[list[AstConvertible]] = None, return_type: Optional[ast.ClassicalType] = None, ) -> Union[Iterator[None], Iterator[list[_ClassicalVar]], Iterator[_ClassicalVar]]: """Context manager for creating a defcal. .. code-block:: python with defcal(program, q1, "X", [AngleVar(name="theta"), oqpy.pi/2], oqpy.bit) as theta:, waveform) """ if isinstance(qubits, Qubit): qubits = [qubits] assert return_type is None or isinstance(return_type, ast.ClassicalType) arguments_ast = [] variables = [] if arguments is not None: for arg in arguments: if isinstance(arg, _ClassicalVar): arguments_ast.append( ast.ClassicalArgument(type=arg.type, name=ast.Identifier( ) arg._needs_declaration = False variables.append(arg) else: arguments_ast.append(to_ast(program, arg)) program._push() if len(variables) > 1: yield variables elif len(variables) == 1: yield variables[0] else: yield None state = program._pop() stmt = ast.CalibrationDefinition( ast.Identifier(name), arguments_ast, [ast.Identifier( for q in qubits], return_type, state.body, ) program._add_statement(stmt) program._add_defcal( [ for qubit in qubits], name, [dumps(a) for a in arguments_ast], stmt )
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def Cal(program: Program) -> Iterator[None]: """Context manager that begins a cal block.""" program._push() yield state = program._pop() program._add_statement(ast.CalibrationStatement(state.body))