Source code for oqpy.subroutines

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"""Contains methods for producing subroutines and extern function calls."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import inspect
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, get_type_hints

from mypy_extensions import VarArg
from openpulse import ast

import oqpy.program
from oqpy.base import AstConvertible, OQPyExpression, make_annotations, to_ast
from oqpy.classical_types import OQFunctionCall, _ClassicalVar
from oqpy.quantum_types import Qubit
from oqpy.timing import convert_float_to_duration

__all__ = ["subroutine", "declare_extern", "declare_waveform_generator", "OQPyArgument"]

SubroutineParams = [oqpy.Program, VarArg(AstConvertible)]

FnType = TypeVar("FnType", bound=Callable[..., Any])

[docs] @dataclass class OQPyArgument: """An oqpy argument to extern declaration..""" name: str dtype: ast.ClassicalType access: Literal["readonly", "mutable"] | None = None
[docs] def unzip(self) -> tuple[str, ast.ClassicalType, ast.AccessControl | None]: """Returns the three values, name, dtype and access as a tuple.""" return, self.dtype, ast.AccessControl[self.access] if self.access else None
def enable_decorator_arguments(f: FnType) -> Callable[..., FnType]: @functools.wraps(f) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]): return f(args[0]) else: return lambda realf: f(realf, *args, **kwargs) return decorator
[docs] @enable_decorator_arguments def subroutine( func: Callable[[oqpy.Program, VarArg(AstConvertible)], AstConvertible | None], annotations: Sequence[str | tuple[str, str]] = (), ) -> Callable[[oqpy.Program, VarArg(AstConvertible)], OQFunctionCall]: """Decorator to declare a subroutine. The function should take a program as well as any other arguments required. Note that the decorated function must include type hints for all arguments, and (other than the initial program) all of these type hints must be oqpy Variable types. .. code-block:: python @subroutine(annotations=("optimize", "-O3")) def increment_variable(program: Program, i: IntVar): program.increment(i, 1) j = IntVar(0) increment_variable(j) This should generate the following OpenQASM: .. code-block:: qasm3 @optimize -O3 def increment_variable(int[32] i) { i += 1; } int[32] j = 0; increment_variable(j); Args: func (Callable[[oqpy.Program, VarArg(AstConvertible)], AstConvertible | None]): function to decorate. Its first argument must be an OQpy program. annotations (Sequence[str | tuple[str, str]]): a collection of strings or tuples of string that annotate the subroutine. Returns: Callable[[oqpy.Program, VarArg(AstConvertible)], AstConvertible | None]: decorated function with added subroutine_declaration attribute. """ name = func.__name__ identifier = ast.Identifier(func.__name__) argnames = list(inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys()) type_hints = get_type_hints(func) inputs = {} # used as inputs when calling the actual python function arguments = [] # used in the ast definition of the subroutine for argname in argnames[1:]: # arg 0 should be program if argname not in type_hints: raise ValueError(f"No type hint provided for {argname} on subroutine {name}.") # ArrayVar[] returns a partial function instead of a type. # The underlying function of that partial should be ArrayVar itself. type_hint = ( type_hints[argname].func if isinstance(type_hints[argname], functools.partial) else type_hints[argname] ) if not issubclass(type_hint, (_ClassicalVar, Qubit)): raise ValueError( f"Type hint for {argname} on subroutine {name} is not an oqpy variable type." ) input_ = inputs[argname] = type_hints[argname](name=argname) if isinstance(input_, _ClassicalVar): arguments.append(ast.ClassicalArgument(input_.type, ast.Identifier(argname))) elif isinstance(input_, Qubit): arguments.append(ast.QuantumArgument(ast.Identifier(, None)) inner_prog = oqpy.Program() for input_val in inputs.values(): inner_prog._mark_var_declared(input_val) output = func(inner_prog, **inputs) inner_prog.autodeclare() inner_prog._state.finalize_if_clause() body = inner_prog._state.body if isinstance(output, OQPyExpression): return_type = output.type body.append(ast.ReturnStatement(to_ast(inner_prog, output))) elif output is None: return_type = None if type_hints.get("return", False): return_hint = type_hints["return"]() if isinstance(return_hint, _ClassicalVar): return_type = return_hint.type elif return_hint is not None: raise ValueError( f"Type hint for return variable on subroutine {name} is not an oqpy classical type." ) else: raise ValueError("Output type of subroutine {name} was neither oqpy expression nor None.") stmt = ast.SubroutineDefinition( identifier, arguments=arguments, return_type=return_type, body=body, ) stmt.annotations = make_annotations(annotations) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper( program: oqpy.Program, *args: AstConvertible, ) -> OQFunctionCall: program.defcals.update(inner_prog.defcals) for name, subroutine_stmt in inner_prog.subroutines.items(): program._add_subroutine(name, subroutine_stmt) program.externs.update(inner_prog.externs) return OQFunctionCall( identifier, {k: v for k, v in zip(argnames[1:], args)}, return_type, subroutine_decl=stmt, ) setattr(wrapper, "subroutine_declaration", (name, stmt)) return wrapper
[docs] def declare_extern( name: str, args: list[tuple[str, ast.ClassicalType] | OQPyArgument], return_type: Optional[ast.ClassicalType] = None, annotations: Sequence[str | tuple[str, str]] = (), ) -> Callable[..., OQFunctionCall]: """Declare an extern and return a callable which adds the extern. .. code-block:: python sqrt = declare_extern( "sqrt", [("x", classical_types.float32)], classical_types.float32, ) var = FloatVar[32]() program.set(var, sqrt(0.5)) """ arg_names: list[str] = [] arg_types: list[ast.ClassicalType] = [] arg_access: list[ast.AccessControl | None] = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, tuple): arg_name, arg_type = arg access = None elif isinstance(arg, OQPyArgument): arg_name, arg_type, access = arg.unzip() else: raise Exception(f"Argument {arg} should have a proper type") arg_names.append(arg_name) arg_types.append(arg_type) arg_access.append(access) extern_decl = ast.ExternDeclaration( ast.Identifier(name), [ ast.ExternArgument(type=ctype, access=access) for ctype, access in zip(arg_types, arg_access) ], return_type, ) extern_decl.annotations = make_annotations(annotations) def call_extern(*call_args: AstConvertible, **call_kwargs: AstConvertible) -> OQFunctionCall: new_args = list(call_args) + [None] * len(call_kwargs) # Testing that the number of arguments is equal to what's defined by the prototype if len(new_args) != len(args): raise TypeError( f"{name}() takes {len(args)} positional arguments but {len(new_args)} were given." ) # Adding keyword arguments to the list of arguments for k in call_kwargs: try: k_idx = arg_names.index(k) except ValueError: raise TypeError(f"{name}() got an unexpected keyword argument '{k}'.") if k_idx < len(call_args): raise TypeError(f"{name}() got multiple values for argument '{k}'.") if type(arg_types[k_idx]) == ast.DurationType: new_args[k_idx] = convert_float_to_duration(call_kwargs[k]) else: new_args[k_idx] = call_kwargs[k] # Casting floats into durations for the non-keyword arguments for i, a in enumerate(call_args): if type(arg_types[i]) == ast.DurationType: new_args[i] = convert_float_to_duration(a) return OQFunctionCall( name, {k: v for k, v in zip(arg_names, new_args)}, return_type, extern_decl=extern_decl ) return call_extern
[docs] def declare_waveform_generator( name: str, argtypes: list[tuple[str, ast.ClassicalType] | OQPyArgument], annotations: Sequence[str | tuple[str, str]] = (), ) -> Callable[..., OQFunctionCall]: """Create a function which generates waveforms using a specified name and argument signature.""" func = declare_extern(name, argtypes, ast.WaveformType(), annotations=annotations) return func